Fundamentos básicos para el empleo de hemoderivados y estrategias de ahorro de sangre en cirugía

  1. Páramo Fernández, José Antonio
  2. Monedero Rodríguez, Pablo
  3. Hidalgo Martínez, Francisco
  4. Hernández, M.
Revista de medicina

Year of publication: 2008

Volume: 52

Issue: 3

Pages: 9-14

Type: Article


Exposure of patients to allogeneic blood transfusion can be minimized or avoided by systematic use of blood conservation techniques (autologous blood donation, acute normovolemic hemodilution or blood cell salvage), correction of preoperative anemia with erythropoietic agents (iron and/or erythropoietin), and pharmacological agents, such as recombinant factor VII and antifi brinolytics. In general, restrictive versus liberal transfusion is preferred in most patients.