Del negro al grisHoward Hawks en la adaptación de The Big Sleep

  1. Frago Pérez, Marta
Zer: Revista de estudios de comunicación = Komunikazio ikasketen aldizkaria

ISSN: 1137-1102

Année de publication: 2008

Número: 24

Pages: 257-279

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Zer: Revista de estudios de comunicación = Komunikazio ikasketen aldizkaria


This article analyzes The Big Sleep (Howard Hawks, 1946) as film adaptation. Through a comparative study with Raymond Chandler�s novel, it focuses on the narrative aspects that distinguish the film from its literary source. Most of them are related to the director�s decision of introducing a central romantic plot in the story, an issue so essential that dilutes the genre in which the film is usually classified. This fact places the film closer to Hawks� lively filmography than to the hopelessness tone of film noir