Renewable Energy Innovations in EuropeA Dynamic Panel Data Approach

  1. Ayari, Nadia
  2. Blazsek, Szabolcs
  3. Mendi Güemes, Pedro
Working Papers ( Universidad de Navarra. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales )

Argitalpen urtea: 2009

Zenbakia: 11

Mota: Laneko dokumentua


We investigate the determinants of renewable energy R&D intensity and the impact of renewable energy innovations on firm performance, using several dynamic panel data models. We estimate these models using a large dataset of European firms of 19 different countries, with some patenting activity in areas related with renewable energies during the 1987-2007 period. The results that we obtain confirm our a prioris on the determinants of the rapid development of renewable energy R&D intensity during the last decades. Additionally, we find evidence that renewable patent intensity has significant dynamic impact on the stock market value of firms.