Mean reversion and long memory in African stock market prices

  1. Gil Alaña, Luis Alberiko
  2. Anoruo, Emmanuel
Working Papers ( Universidad de Navarra. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales )

Año de publicación: 2010

Número: 5

Tipo: Documento de Trabajo


We examine the behavior of stock market prices in several African countries by means of fractionally integrated techniques. In doing so, we can test the random walk hypothesis along with other approaches like the mean reversion in these markets. Our results can be summarized as follows: we cannot find evidence of mean reversion in any single market, and evidence of long memory returns is obtained in the cases of Egypt and Nigeria, and, in a lesser extent in Tunisia, Morocco and Kenya. Permitting the existence of a structural break in the data, the break dates take place in the earlier 2000s in the majority of the cases, and evidence of mean reversion seems to have taken place in the periods before the breaks in most of the countries. If we focus on the absolute and squared returns, evidence of long memory is obtained in Nigeria and Egypt. Thus, for these two countries, a long memory model incorporating positive fractional degrees of integration in both the level and the volatility process should be considered.