TOCNUNsimulador y editor gráfico de plantas de fabricación para el aprendizaje de la Teoría de las Limitaciones
- Santos García, Javier
- Gaztelu, Igor
- Romero Silva, Rodrigo
ISSN: 1132-175X
Argitalpen urtea: 2008
Zenbakien izenburua: XII Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización. 2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management
Zenbakia: 37
Orrialdeak: 124-130
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Dirección y organización: Revista de dirección, organización y administración de empresas
This paper presents a visual simulator, which helps understand correct manufacturing plant operations using Goldratt�s Theory of Constraints (TOC). This tool has been designed for use in Operation Management courses, where only a few hours tend to be dedicated to explaining TOC concepts. In addition, this paper presents a structure for practical classes using the simulator. Finally, the simulator is complemented with a tool to design more manufacturing plants with the purpose of assessing student knowledge.