La materialidad de la Palabramanuscritos que hablan

  1. Chapa Prado, Juan
Estudios bíblicos

ISSN: 0014-1437

Year of publication: 2011

Volume: 69

Notebook: 1

Pages: 9-37

Type: Article

More publications in: Estudios bíblicos

Bibliographic References

  • 1 Cf. L. W. HURTADO, The Earliest Christian Artifacts. Manuscripts and Christian Origins (Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI 2006).
  • T. C. SKEAT, “‘Especially the Parchments’: A Note on 2 Timothy 4:13”: JTS 30 (1979). (Reimpr. en J. K. ELLIOTT, The Collected Biblical Writings of T. C. Skeat [NovTSup 113; Brill, Leiden 2004].
  • H. Y. GAMBLE, Books and Readers in the Early Church. A History of Early Christian Texts (Yale University Press, New Haven – London 1995).
  • G. N. STANTON, Jesus and the Gospel (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2004).
  • 2 H. Y. GAMBLE, “Literacy, Liturgy, and the Shaping of the New Testament Canon”, en: C. HORTON (ed.), The Earliest Gospels: the Origins and Transmission of the Earliest Christian Gospels. The Contribution of the Chester Beatty Gospel Codex P45 (JS-NTSup 258; T&T Clark, London 2004)
  • M. M. MITCHELL, “The emergence of the written record”, en: M. M. MITCHELL – F. M. YOUNG – K. S. BOWIE (eds.), The Cambridge History of Christianity I. Origins to Constantine (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2006).
  • 4 M. GOODMAN, “Sacred Scripture and ‘Defiling the Hands’”: JTS 41 (1990);
  • J. BARTON, The Spirit and the Letter. Studies in the Biblical Canon (SPCK, London 1997; reed. Holy Writings, Sacred Text. The Canon in Early Christianity [Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, KY 1998]);
  • T. M. LIM, “The Defilement of the Hands as a Principle Determining the Holiness of Scriptures”: JTS 61 (2010).
  • 6 R. S. BAGNALL, Early Christian Books in Egypt (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ – Woodstock 2009).
  • L. W. HURTADO, review of R. S. BAGNALL, Early Christian Books in Egypt, Review of Biblical Literature [] (2010).
  • 7 R. W. DANIEL, “Palaeography and Gerontology: The Subscriptions of Hermas Son of Ptolemaios”: ZPE 167 [2008] 151-152).
  • 8 A.-M. LUIJENDIJK, Greetings in the Lord. Early Christians and the Oxyrhynchus Papyri (HTS 60; Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA 2008)
  • P. J. PARSONS, The City of the Sharp Nosed Fish. Greek Lives in Roman Egypt (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London 2007).
  • 10 E. J. EPP, “New Testament Papyrus Manuscripts and Letter-Carrying in Greco-Roman Times”, en: B. A. PEARSON et al. (eds.), The Future of Christianity. Essays in Honor of Helmut Koester (Fortress, Minneapolis 1991) 35-56, reimpr. en: EPP, Perspectives, 383-409.
  • W. L. PETERSEN [ed.], Gospel Traditions in the Second Century [University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame 1989] 90, reimpr. en: EPP, Perspectives, 365-366).
  • E. G. TURNER, The Typology of the Early Codex [University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia 1977] 41).
  • 11 J. R. ROYSE, Scribal Habits in Early Greek New Testament Papyri (NTTSD 36; Brill, Leiden 2008).
  • 12 Cf. J. CHAPA, “The Early Text of John”, en: C. E. HILL – M. KRUGER (eds.), The Early Text of the New Testament (Oxford University Press, Oxford – New York) (en prensa).
  • 13 A.-M. LUIJENDIJK, “Sacred Scriptures as Trash: Biblical Papyri from Oxyrhynchus”: VC 64 (2010).
  • 15 C. H. ROBERTS, Manuscript, Society and Belief in Early Christian Egypt (Oxford University Press for the British Academy, London 1979);
  • K. HAINES-EITZEN, Guardians of Letters. Literacy, Power, and the Transmitters of Early Christian Literature (Oxford University Press, Oxford 2000).
  • A. MUGRIDGE, “Writing and Writers in Antiquity: Two ‘Spectra’ in Greek Handwriting”, en: T. GAGOS et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Congress of Papyrology, Ann Arbor 2007 (American Studies in Papyrology; Ann Arbor, MI 2010).
  • 18 C. H. ROBERTS – T. C. SKEAT, The Birth of the Codex (Oxford University Press for the British Academy, London 1983).
  • W. A. JOHNSON, “The Ancient Book”, en: R. S. BAGNALL (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology (Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009).
  • 32 L. W. HURTADO, “The Origin of the Nomina Sacra: a Proposal”: JBL 117 (1998).
  • 37 Cf. también T. C. SKEAT, “Early Christian Book-Production: Papyri and Manuscripts”, en: G. W. H. LAMPE (ed.), The Cambridge History of the Bible II. The West, from the Fathers to the Reformation (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2006).
  • 39 GAMBLE , “Literacy”, 34. Como dice Roberts, parecen “libros para usar” (ROBERTS , Manuscript, Society and Belief, 15)
  • 50 W. V. HARRIS, Ancient Literacy (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA 1989); J. H. HUMPHREY, Literacy in the Roman World (JRASS 3; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 1991);
  • A. K. BOWMAN – G. WOOLF, Literacy and Power in the Ancient World (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1994);
  • A. R. MILLARD, Reading and Writing at the Time of Jesus (Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield 2000).
  • P. ACHTEMEIER, “Omne Verbum Sonat: The New Testament and the Oral Environment of Late Western Antiquity”: JBL 109 (1990) 3-27 y GAMBLE, Books and Readers, 30.
  • 51 Cf. B. A LAND, “The Significance of the Chester Beatty Papyri in Early Church History”, en: HORTON (ed.), The Earliest Gospels, 117-118.
  • S. E. PORTER – T. H. OLBRICHT (eds.), Rhetoric and the New Testament. Essays from the 1992 Heidelberg Conference (JSNTS 90; Sheffield University Press, Sheffield 1993).
  • 54 Cf. AGUSTÍN , Epistula 71 A, III 5, en: Sancti Aureli Augustini Hipponiensis Episcopi Epistulae, ed. A. GOLDBACHER (CSEL 34/2; F. Tempsky, Vindobonae 1898).
  • 57 G. G. STROUMSA, “Early Christianity: A Religion of the Book?”, en: M. FINKELBERG – G. G. STROUMSA (eds.), Homer, the Bible, and Beyond. Literary and Religious Canons in the Ancient World (Jerusalem Studies in Religion and Culture 2; Brill, Leiden 2003).