Validación de modelos para el dimensionado de encofrados verticales
- Santilli Almaraz, Adrián
- Puente Urruzmendi, Iñigo
ISSN: 1510-7450
Ano de publicación: 2011
Número: 9
Páxinas: 7-12
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Memoria de Trabajos de Difusión Científica y Técnica
The design of vertical formwork is dependent on the lateral pressure predicted to act on the form face; due to the pressure envelope it is difficult to establish a comparison between different methods using only statistical parameters. Therefore, this article has two main objectives, firstly intent to explain why ratios of measured pressure to calculated pressure (E/T) can be accepted to validate a model, and secondly intent to quantify the maximum ratio E/T that can be accepted in the validation.