Desarrollo de las competencias emocional y sociomoral a través de la mediación escolar entre iguales en Educación Secundaria
ISSN: 1130-5371
Year of publication: 2014
Issue: 27
Pages: 9-28
Type: Article
More publications in: Qurriculum: Revista de Teoría, Investigación y Práctica Educativa
This paper shows that Mediation amongst peers is not only an effective strategy for resolving conflicts, as is often believed, but also a way to train both mediated students and mediators, as well as having a positive impact on the mediation culture in schools. This paper offers an objective study which supports its effectiveness. The sample is made up by the group of educational centres which use the mediation system actively in the Chartered Community of Navarre at the time the research was conducted. The data was collected through questionnaires given to 33 mediating and 23 mediated students aged between 13 and 18 (x – = 15,27 y s = 1,543). The mediating students, especially, noticed an improvement in variables relating to social cognition, while the mediated students improved in their emotional conscience and communication.
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