GLASÚN 1.0Un nuevo sistema de gestión de datos para la investigación en fonética acústica

  1. Gibson, Mark
  2. de Lorenzo Rodríguez, Ignacio
Estudios de fonética experimental

ISSN: 2385-3573 1575-5533

Year of publication: 2014

Issue Title: Vol

Issue: 23

Pages: 247-264

Type: Article

More publications in: Estudios de fonética experimental


This methodological study presents the results of an initiative to create a new data management and prompting system which can be interfaced with acoustic data for research in acoustic phonetics. The objectives of this initiative were to provide an economical way to record, organize and manipulate acoustic data and to construct a system which allows the use of external recording equipment for production experiments. For the project, a program was designed with a built-in visual prompting system which simultaneously synchronizes the text in accordance with defined temporal regions in the long file for easy extraction for use in perception experiments. Results of external assessment were considerably positive due to the user-friendly platform which does not require scripting, meaning the organization and manipulation of data files is less time-consuming and more efficient.

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