Reconocimiento en España y acceso al registro civil de resoluciones extranjeras de jurisdicción voluntaria

  1. Muñoz Fernández, Alberto
Revista Auctoritas Prudentium

ISSN: 2305-9729

Año de publicación: 2013

Número: 9

Páginas: 6-16

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Revista Auctoritas Prudentium

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible


Despite the importance of the non-contentious jurisdiction resolutions in the legal relations, we have not a clear and modern regulation on it. This is particularly evident when we try to recognize the effects of foreign resolutions. There is a huge uncertainty about the procedure and controls to perform. In many cases the effects of foreign judgments take place in the Civil Register. The new Spanish Act of �Registro Civil� provides for rules on this issue. It would be advisable that the future Non-Contentious Jurisdiction Act regulate this aspect consistently with those rules and in a very precise and clear way.