La personalización de la política en la cobertura mediáticauna comparación de las campañas electorales en España y Alemania

  1. Rodríguez Virgili, Jordi
  2. Jandura, Olaf
  3. Rebolledo de la Calle, Marta

ISSN: 1138-3305 2340-5007

Year of publication: 2014

Issue Title: La comunicación política avui: entre nous mitjans i velles lògiques

Issue: 34

Pages: 61-79

Type: Article

More publications in: Trípodos


Personalization is a phenomenon increasingly spread out in the area of political communication. Even if it is not a new feature, mass media irruption, particularly television, and the mediatisation of politics have brought its growth on. Thus, the interest from scholars towards personalization has been shown in numerous studies, especially in the last decade. The aim of this work is to assess to what extent and to what degree the personalization can be considered as a current feature in the election press coverage of countries with similar political systems, but with different media systems. There, personalization is understood as a practice of the journalists characterized by focusing the attention of the media coverage on politicians, as well as by the greater emphasis on their personal characteristics. The method used is content analysis of the news covering the electoral campaigns of 2009 and 2011 in Germany and Spain respectively, from the main newspapers of each country. As a comparative study, this allows getting a better understanding of personalization phenomenon from a international perspective.

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