Testimonio personal y evangelización según John Henry Newman

  1. Juan Alonso 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Navarra

    Universidad de Navarra

    Pamplona, España

    ROR https://ror.org/02rxc7m23

Revista española de Teología

ISSN: 0210-7112

Argitalpen urtea: 2015

Zenbakien izenburua: XVII Jornadas de Teología fundamental

Alea: 75

Zenbakia: 3

Orrialdeak: 469-480

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista española de Teología

Erreferentzia bibliografikoak

  • 1 J. H. Newman, Oxford University Sermons (1843).
  • 9 CH. Dawson, El espíritu del Movimiento de Oxford (Madrid 2000).
  • 15 Cf. S. P. Juergens, Newman on the Psychology of Faith in the Individual (New York 1928).
  • 16 Cf. J. D. Holmes, “Introduction”, en: J. H. Newman, Newman’s University Sermons (London 1970) 26; “Newman’s University Sermons, in particular, were directed against the Evidentialist”, en: R. Achten, First Principles and Our Way to Faith. A Fundamental-Theological Study of John Henry Newman’s Notion of First Principles (Frankfurt am Main 1995).
  • 17 Cf. Ph. Flanagan, Newman, faith and the believer (Westminster – Maryland 1946).
  • 18 Cf. Apologia pro Vita Sua (1865).
  • 19 Cf. J. F. Crosby, Personalist Papers (Washington D.C. 2004).
  • 20 J. H. Newman, The Present Position of Catholics in England (1851) 381. (Lecture 9: Duties of Catholics Towards the Protestant View).
  • 21 Cf. Tucídides, El discurso fúnebre de Pericles (Madrid 2007).
  • 22 Cf. J. H. Newman, Letters and Diaries XII (The Birmingham Oratory 1962) 112-113, Carta a T. F. Knox (14.09.1847).
  • Cf. P. Murray OSB (ed.), Newman the Oratorian: His Unpublished Oratory Papers (Dublin 1980).
  • 23 Cf. J. H. Newman, Historical Sketches III (1872).
  • 26 “Discipline and Influence”, en: J. H. NewmaN, Historical Sketches III (1872) 74.
  • 27 Cf. An Essay in aid of a Grammar of Assent (1870), cap. VIII, 259-329.
  • Ensayo para contribuir a una gramática del asentimiento, (trad. e introd. de Josep Vives) (Madrid 2010).
  • 30 Cf. B. Pascal, Pensamientos, n.146 (ed. Br. N. 277)
  • 31 Cf. Crosby, Personalist Papers, 229.
  • 34 Cf. A. Boix, en: J. H. Newman, La fe y la razón: quince sermones predicados ante la Universidad de Oxford (1826-1843), 129, nt.1.
  • 37 Carta a J. R. Bloxam (23.02.1841), en: Letters and Diaries VIII, 43. La expresión “la belleza de la santidad” (the beauty of holiness)
  • Cf. K. Beaumont, Dieu intérieur. La théologie spirituelle de John Henry Newman (Paris 2014).
  • 39 Cf. J. H. Newman, “Love of Relations and Friends”, en: Parochial and Plain Sermons II (1835) Sermón 5, 257.
  • 40 Cf. sermones de Newman sobre el poder de simpatía de San Pablo: “St. Paul’s Characteristic Gift” (1857).
  • 41 Cf. J.H. Newman, Sermons Bearing on Subjects of the Day (1869).
  • 45 J. H. Newman, “The Tamworth Reading Room”, en: Discussions and Arguments (1872).
  • 46 J. H. Newman, Autobiographical Writings, (ed. Henry Tristram), (New York 1956).
  • 49 Cf. Benedicto XVI, Homilía en la Catedral de Westminster (18.09.2010);
  • C. J. Mcloskey, “The Apostolate of Personal Influence in the Work of Cardinal Newman”: Annales Theologici 4 (1990). (disponible en: http://www.catholicity.com/mccloskey/newman.html).