Propuesta de sistematización de la teoría del framing para el estudio y praxis de la comunicación política

  1. Teresa Sádaba Garraza
  2. Jordi Rodríguez Virgili
  3. Manuel Bartolomé Castro
Observatorio (OBS*)

ISSN: 1646-5954

Year of publication: 2012

Volume: 6

Issue: 2

Pages: 109-126

Type: Article

DOI: 10.7458/OBS622012540 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Observatorio (OBS*)


Framing theory holds nowadays one of the most prominent places in communication research (Weaver, 2007), and especially specially in political communication (Sádaba, Rodríguez-Virgili & La Porte, 2008). Despite framing has obtained a great relevance, it has not achieved yet a conceptual and methodological clarification (Vliegenthart & Van Zoonen, 2011). Framing theory lacks a definition shared by most researchers and many of them refer to different concepts by framing. As Robert Entman stated, it is a fractured paradigm (Entman, 1993). This paper proposes a systematization of the lines of research in which framing can contribute to the study of political communication: constructivist, cultural, narrative, methodological, of journalistic roles, strategic and symbolic. Through this proposal, we expect to define the fields in which framing can help to the research and practice of political communication, as well as recovering some aspects that have not yet been sufficiently explored, in order to advance into an integral understanding of the term.