Razón práctica y praxis jurídicaalgunas reflexiones

  1. Aparisi Miralles, Ángela
Persona y derecho: Revista de fundamentación de las Instituciones Jurídicas y de Derechos Humanos

ISSN: 0211-4526

Ano de publicación: 2017

Número: 76

Páxinas: 149-175

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.15581/011.76.149-175 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: Persona y derecho: Revista de fundamentación de las Instituciones Jurídicas y de Derechos Humanos

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


The purpose of this article is to carry out a brief reflection about how the process of recovery, or rehabilitation, of the practical philosophy based on the Aristotle-Thomas approach, which for several decades has been developing, fundamentally in Germany and USA, has meant a new reorientation in very different areas: from the way of understanding the concept of law - breaking with the positivist tradition of basing the validity of it only on formal criteria-, even on the ground relative to the praxis of legal operators. In particular, in this latter field, we must especially emphasize the recovery of Aristotelian thinking about virtue, with special application in the way of acting, and also of being, of the jurists.

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