La lógica bidimensional y la interpretación de textos de ficción

  1. Galván Moreno, Luis
Revista de literatura

ISSN: 0034-849X

Année de publication: 2017

Tomo: 79

Número: 158

Pages: 365-390

Type: Article

DOI: 10.3989/REVLITERATURA.2017.02.013 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccès ouvert editor

D'autres publications dans: Revista de literatura

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This paper explores a current trend in Logic and the theory of meaning known as «two-dimensional semantics» in order to assess its bearing on several areas of literary studies. First, an explanation and critique of the philosophical basis of 2-D semantics shows what insights of the theory are particularly well suited for literary studies. Then, the 2-D distinction between epistemic and metaphysical possibilities is illustrated by means of several literary works, and reciprocally contributes to defining disputed issues concerning these. The next section suggests how 2-D Logic may help us understand the phenomenon of fiction and its workings in knowledge and communication. Last, some proposals are laid on in order to assess the role of 2-D semantics in the context of several research areas and programmes and of interdisciplinary issues, as well as in the epistemological self-understanding of literary studies.

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