Propuesta de un modelo más preciso para la sistematización de las actuaciones de ejecución del derecho

Revista de Estudios Europeos

ISSN: 1132-7170 2530-9854

Year of publication: 2018

Issue Title: Congreso internacional de Jovenes investigadores sobre la Union Europea

Issue: 71

Pages: 273-299

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de Estudios Europeos


A more precise systematization than those available can be resorted to when trying to explain the implementation modalities of EU Law. As a rule, the direct execution and indirect execution paradigms are used to provide such an e xplanation. The cooperative execution paradigm is also used in order to account for EU Law implementation cases in which several administrations concur in action. The most comprehensive model explaining these activity paradigms is Sydow’s execution and coo peration model. In addition, the classifications of cooperative procedures used by Spanish, Italian, and German scholarship serve also to systematize this so – called cooperative activity. Notwithstanding the explanatory value of these, a better systematizat ion can be conceived by differentiating two variables of the implementation activity: territorial scope of its legal effect, and type and number of participating administrations. Based on this distinction, a systematization model is proposed. This model pu rports to embrace all activity of implementation of EU Law. This model can be graphically represented, and particular examples of implementation activity can be displayed on it. Such a graphical representation is herein attempted. The customs union norms a re used as a referenc