Escribir sobre las víctimasla bibliografía dedicada a los asesinados por ETA

  1. Jiménez Ramos, María
e-Eguzkilore.: Zientzia Kriminologikoen Aldizkari Elektronikoa = Revista electrónica de Ciencias Criminológicas

ISSN: 2530-1969

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 2

Type: Article

More publications in: e-Eguzkilore.: Zientzia Kriminologikoen Aldizkari Elektronikoa = Revista electrónica de Ciencias Criminológicas


This article aims to examine the bibliography about the victims of the terrorist organisation ETA from the beginning of its armed activity in 1968 to the end of the violence in 2011. The research differentiates three author’s profiles (the own victims; journalists, writers and other experts; and academic researchers) whose books have been published in four periods marked by the silence over the victims (1968-1994); the first books with the victims as protagonists (1995-1999); the recognition of the victims while Spanish society started to protest against ETA (2000-2004); and the rise of publications about the victims when ETA lived its last period of activity (2005-2011). Taking into account that writing theses works, authors became into ETA’s target, this article tries to understand what reasons pushed them to show publicly their opposition against ETA and what were the consequences in their daily lives. To do that, the article includes three interviews to the authors of some of the more relevant publications about ETA’s victims: the journalist José María Calleja; the victim and criminologist Cristina Cuesta; and the victim, politician and activist Maite Pagazaurtundúa.