Exploring information capability and its role in innovation
Universidad de Navarra
ISSN: 1988-7116
Year of publication: 2016
Volume: 10
Issue: 1
Pages: 66-81
Type: Article
More publications in: GCG: revista de globalización, competitividad y gobernabilidad
This study focuses on how innovation capability can be developed within a company and how information capability is integrated into the innovation process. Innovation, helped by elements that generate and share knowledge, is generated through different practices. Thus, the present study develops an analysis of the role of information capability in innovation through the assessment of the direct experiences of managers from innovative companies located in Spain through grounded theory methodology. Our findings suggest that strategy promotes the appropriate culture and values that are aligned with innovation in the company. Strategy also establishes and acquires the resources, both internal and external, that an organization needs in order to achieve competiveness through innovation. Moreover, the organizational culture and resources support the information capability, and this information capability in turn supports the knowledge management which supports and develops innovation. The contribution of this research is the proposal of a framework that explains the elements that underlie innovation management in companies. The paper contributes to a deeper understanding of how to use information capability and knowledge management as potential sources of innovation.
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