La forma abiertacuatro libros de arquitectura moderna

  1. Víctor Larripa Artieda 1
  2. Miguel A. Alonso del Val 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Navarra

    Universidad de Navarra

    Pamplona, España


Goya: Revista de arte

ISSN: 0017-2715

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 368

Pages: 254-271

Type: Article

More publications in: Goya: Revista de arte


Trough four books on architecture and the visions of form champoined by their authors, this article aims at a heterodox, inclusive and complex mode of seeing modern form: the open discourse. Defended by few architects at this date, this approach radically diferred form the familiar stylustc or iconographic one. Through it, form no longar had to adapt to the invariably pre-established codes of the so-calle "modern styyle" and rather emerged fron the specific reality of each architectural project, which is precisely where its modernity lies. the four books are: Der moderne Zweclbau (1923), by Adolf Behne; Die Neue Baukunst (1929), by Bruno Taut; Der Sieg Des Neuen Baustils (1927), by Walter Curt Behrendt; y Gli elementi dell'arquitettura funzionale (1932), by Alberto Sartoris

Bibliographic References

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