Imaginando el reciclaje, reciclando el diseño, diseñando la imagenla reutilización como estrategia de diseño
ISSN: 1138-5596
Year of publication: 2020
Issue Title: Ontología orientada al material / Material Oriented Ontology (Lucas Muñoz, Editor invitado / Guest Editor)
Issue: 22
Pages: 66-81
Type: Article
More publications in: RA: revista de arquitectura
Throughout history, recycling has become a solution for product development on several occasions. Beyond the ecological conscience that has been constituted especially from the 60s until the present time, this practice has served to solve different problems: technical, conceptual or even social. During the 20th century some seating furniture was made in which the recycling of materials and parts of objects has given rise to real design milestones and has helped, without being its main purpose, to create a sustainable image. This article attempts to tell the story of these pieces and their ecological context, to show the operation of reuse as a project strategy and as part of a holistic process that seeks to respond to technical, functional and conceptual issues, beyond the merely ecological.
Funding information
PhD Architect from the University of Navarra, Extraordinary End of Degree and Doctorate Award. Lecturer at the ETSAUN. Hired as a Doctor by ANECA. Deputy Director of Academic Planning at the ETSAUN. He has presented his research in journals such as PPA, VLC, RITA and RA, among others, as well as in congresses. Scholarship from The Getty Trust for a research stay at The Getty Research Institute in L.A.; scholarship from the Bancaja Foundation for research at Columbia University in N.Y. research stay at the ENSAPBX, Bordeaux. E-Mail: Orcid ID 0000-0001-8763-8098Funders
- Columbia University United States
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