Representación del cambio climático en YouTubeun análisis cuantitativo de los vídeos más populares
- Muñoz-Pico, Hilda Paola 1
- León Anguiano, Bienvenido 2
- García Martínez, Alberto Nahum 2
- 1 Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Ecuador
- 2 Universidad de Navarra, España
ISSN: 2027-534X, 0122-8285
Year of publication: 2021
Volume: 24
Issue: 1
Type: Article
More publications in: Palabra Clave
This article examines whether YouTube content on climate change allows for fresh communication initiatives with diverse voices and approaches, implying better information for citizens and involving them in taking the necessary steps to face the problem (consumption decisions, pushing politicians to adopt measures, among others), or amplifies the traditionally predominating voices in the media, such as politicians. This study explores climate change representation in the most popular videos on YouTube through content analysis. After reviewing a sample of 288 videos uploaded during October 2016-October 2017, we found that politicians, such as former US President Donald Trump, are the most quoted in YouTube videos on climate change, followed by journalists and scientists. Regarding video producers, the media hold a privileged popular position, as even other YouTubers reuse their contents totally or partially. Their messages intend to be informative with a speech focused on the consequences of climate change in developed countries. The content analysis results also show that, in the most popular YouTube videos on climate change, the information that helps to understand the processes implicated in environmental issues is pushed into the background by the prominence of the political situation. In conclusion, politicians, officials, or former officials prevail over expert voices, such as scientists, risking social debate and citizen participation in the actions to tackle climate change.
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