La sostenibilidad en un contexto de primacía del accionista

  1. 1 Profesor Titular de Derecho mercantil. Universidad de Navarra
Revista de derecho de sociedades

ISSN: 1134-7686

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 64

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de derecho de sociedades


The growing conviction that companies can play a crucial role in promoting sustainability makes it increasingly necessary the study of how this approach fits into the framework of company law. To this end, the basic delimitation of the content of sustainability policies from a legal perspective is analysed, as well as their impact on the traditional debate between institutionalism and contractualism. This paper argues that sustainability is simply a way of conducting business activity, from a shareholder profit maximisation approach. This conclusion will also allow us to consider the autonomy of the management board in assuming sustainable strategies and the feasibility of introducing legal mechanisms that encourage greater shareholder involvement in the promotion of this type of policy.

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