La formación filosófica del profesorado según John Dewey

  1. Marta Vaamonde Gamo
  2. Jaime Nubiola
La Torre del Virrey: revista de estudios culturales

ISSN: 1885-7353

Ano de publicación: 2022

Número: 31

Páxinas: 116-125

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: La Torre del Virrey: revista de estudios culturales


This article reflects on the importance of the philosophical education of teachers in the light of Deweyan pragmatism.For Dewey, the educator occupies a privileged place, since he is the principal agent of human growth and democratic social progress, which requires, for his part, constant reflection on the ends and the means that direct his practices.Since the growth of experience is achieved through participation, one of the key objectives of the teaching task is to enhance the habits that allow the collaboration of women and men of different ethnicities.Dewey invites to reflect on the importance of the philosophical formation of teachers to guide education towards moral and socialends, which is indispensable for a regeneration.

Referencias bibliográficas

  • B. SIERRA, ‘La recepción de Dewey en España y en Latinoamérica’, Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana, 13 (6/2001), pp.107-119.
  • Cf. G. DYKHUIZEN, (1974) The Life and Mind of John Dewey, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, pp. 187, 190,197, 24, 232.
  • Cf. J. DEWEY, ‘Democracy and Education in the World of Today’, Later Works of John Dewey 1925- 1953, ed. de J.A. Boydston, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, 1996: 1938, 13.
  • Cf. J. DEWEY, ‘From Absolutism to Experimentalism’, Later Works of John Dewey 1925-1953, ed. de J. A. Boydston, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, 1996:1930, 5.
  • Cf. J. DEWEY, ‘My Pedagogic Creed’, Early Works of John Dewey 1882-1898, ed. de J. A. Boydston, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale,1996:1897, 5.
  • Cf. J. DEWEY, ‘School of Tomorrow’, Middle Works of John Dewey 1899-1924, ed. de J. A. Boydston, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, 1996: 1915, 8.
  • Cf. J. DEWEY, ‘The Ethics of Democracy’, Early Works of John Dewey 1882-1898, ed. de J.A. Boydston, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, 1996:1888, 1.
  • Cf. J. DEWEY, ‘The Need for a Philosophy of Education’, Later Works of John Dewey 1925-1953, ed. de J.A. Boydston, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, 1996:1934, 9.
  • Cf. J. DEWEY, ‘The Relation of Science and Philosophy as the Basis of Education’, Later Works of John Dewey 1925-1953.
  • Cf. L. MENAND, El club de los metafísicos, trad. de A. Bonnano Destino, Barcelona, 2002, p. 326.
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  • Cf. R. PRING, John Dewey, A Philosopher of Education for our Time?, op. cit., p. 176. 52 Cf. R. PRING, John Dewey, A Philosopher of Education for our Time?, op. cit., pp. 174-175.
  • Cf. R. WESTBROOK, ‘The Making of a Democratic Philosopher’, The Cambridge Companion to Dewey, ed. de M. Cochran, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010, p. 14.
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  • J. DEWEY, ‘Democracy and Education in the World of Today’, op. cit. pp. 301-302.
  • J. DEWEY, ‘Ethics’, Later Works of John Dewey 1925-1953, ed. de J. A. Boydston, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, 1996:1932, 7/p.348.
  • J. DEWEY, ‘Experience and Education’, Later Works of John Dewey 1925-1953, J.A. Boydston, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, 1996:1938, 13
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  • J. DEWEY, ‘Letter to A. K. Parker on Coeducation’, Middle Works of John Dewey 1899-1924, ed. de J.A. Boydston, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, 1996:1920, 2/p.111.
  • J. DEWEY, ‘My pedagogic Creed’, op. cit. pp. 93-94.
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  • J.A. Boydston, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, 1996: 1938, 13/p.282.
  • M. NUSSBAUM, Not for Profit, Why Democracy Needs the Humanities, Princeton University Press, Oxford, 2012.
  • R. PRING, John Dewey, A Philosopher of Education for our Time?, Continuum Library of Educational Thought, London, 2007, pp. 163-180.
  • S. HOOK, John Dewey. Semblanza intelectual, trad. de L. Arenas, Paidós, Barcelona, 2000, pp. 127.