Una propuesta para la docencia de la Bioética. La contextualización histórica de la práctica biomédica

  1. León Sanz, Pilar 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Navarra, España
Analysis: claves de pensamiento contemporáneo

ISSN: 2386-3994

Year of publication: 2019

Issue Title: La familia en el contexto social

Volume: 24

Issue: 24

Pages: 129-136

Type: Article

More publications in: Analysis: claves de pensamiento contemporáneo


The article analyses the debate on the teaching of Bioethics in the field of health professions. It proposes to apply a historical perspective for teaching and learning the discipline. The historical vision facilitates the critical perspective of the contingency in the production and circulation of scientific–medical knowledge and reveals at the same time, the specificity of the social, economic and political forces that shape ethical judgments and their consequences. The temporary perspective also contributes to the learning of a bioethics aimed at decision–making.

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