Development of optical characterization methods for micro-and nano- scale planar photonic band gap structures

  1. Kral, Zdenek
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Josep Ferré Borrull Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Fecha de defensa: 29 von Mai von 2009

  1. Lluís F. Marsal Garví Präsident/in
  2. Josep Pallarès Marzal Sekretär/in
  3. Jordi Sancho Parramon Vocal
  4. Enric García Caurel Vocal
  5. Santiago Miguel Olaizola Izquierdo Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 290720 DIALNET


The characterization of photonic band gap materials (Photonic Crystals) is a fundamental issue in the development of the technologies for their fabrication and future application. This Doctoral Thesis has dealt with the development of optical characterization methods and their implementation to planar photonic structures. According to the objectives established in the present work we have obtained several results that are concluded in the following paragraphs: We have developed an experimental technique based on the Bragg diffraction in the near and middle infra red (IR) spectral range to determine the lattice properties of planar photonic structures. We have applied the Angular-Dependent Reflectance Spectroscopy technique (ADRS) to the characterization of photonic bands in PhC slabs. The objective was the implementation of the technique to our samples with lattice parameters that require the measurement to be carried out in the mid-IR spectral range. We have implemented the Angle-Resolved Spectroscopic Polarimetry to characterize the band structure of planar photonic-crystal structures in the visible spectral range. We have developed of a simulation tool and post-processing method to enhance the photonic bands recognition by the cited methods.