Metodología de rehabilitación energética de barrios y regeneración urbanaaplicación al barrio Almenara

  1. Corral, Nerea
  2. Bedoya Frutos, César
  3. Marrodán Ciordia, Esperanza
Greencities & sostenibilidad: Málaga, 2-3 oct 2014 : inteligencia aplicada a la sostenibilidad urbana : comunicaciones y 2ª bienal de proyectos de edificación y urbanismo sostenible

Publisher: Ayuntamiento de Málaga

ISBN: 978-84-697-0799-9

Year of publication: 2014

Pages: 440-464

Congress: Greencities & sostenibilidad (5. 2014. Málaga)

Type: Conference paper


The origin of the research is the need for intervention at environmental, economical and social levels in the Almenara neighbourhood of Madrid. The main objective of the present research is the development of a methodology of �energy rehabilitation� of neighborhoods and urban regeneration, abiding by the principles developed by Antonio González Navarro- Moreno for refurbishment. The secondary objectives are the implementation of the developed methodology, directly reducing the energy demand, improving façade and roof parameters and, indirectly, by inserting �cool materials�, sustainable materials and green roofs and facades that improve the building's hygrothermal behavior, so that evapotranspiration is increased, urban canopy is elevated, the microclimate is improved and the Urban Heat Island Effect is reduced, and by modifying the roofing and facades. All this, in search of a consistent urban space. The work methodology was begun by investigating the history and existing urban planning framework based on publications by the Ministry and Department of Planning and Development. Building construction in the area has been researched through Historical Documentation Centers. At an urban level, a climate analysis has been made, studying the speed and direction of wind and solar radiation received by both roofs and facades. Moreover, existing and future green areas have been analysed, as has their influence. Public transport mobility, cycling itineraries and accessibility for disabled persons have been examined. Urban and building damages have been classified as parameters according to thermal conditioning and thermal images were taken. Social and population analysis were carried out based on a custom survey, including the building's current state data, residents comfort situation and their perceptions, as well as the indicators obtained through the online mapping application called �Atlas de Vulnerabilidad Urbana de España�. Finally, all of the above was applied at the Almenara neighborhood. The entire process has been carried out on a residential block type and a specific housing, from an environmental, economic and social point of view.