Documento de consenso sobre pautas de actuación y seguimiento del varón con síntomas del tracto urinario inferior secundarios a hiperplasia prostática benigna

  1. F.J. Brenes Bermúdez 1
  2. F. Brotons Muntó 2
  3. J. Castiñeiras Fernández 3
  4. J.M. Cozar Olmo 4
  5. A. Fernández-Pro Ledesma 5
  6. J.A. Martín Jiménez 6
  7. M.L. Martínez-Berganza Asensio 7
  8. B. Miñana López 8
  9. J.M. Molero García 9
  1. 1 Centro de Atención Primaria Llefià, Badalona, Barcelona, España
  2. 2 Centro de Salud Vila-real II, Vila-real, Castellón, España
  3. 3 Hospital Virgen Macarena, Sevilla, España
  4. 4 Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves

    Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves

    Granada, España


  5. 5 Centro de Salud Menasalbas, Menasalbas, Toledo, España
  6. 6 Centro de Salud de Buenavista, Toledo, España
  7. 7 Centro de Salud Mar Báltico, Madrid, España
  8. 8 Hospital General Universitario Morales Meseguer, Murcia, España
  9. 9 Centro de Salud San Andrés, Madrid, España
Semergen: revista española de medicina de familia

ISSN: 1138-3593

Argitalpen urtea: 2016

Zenbakia: 8

Orrialdeak: 547-556

Mota: Artikulua


Beste argitalpen batzuk: Semergen: revista española de medicina de familia


Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) is a high-incidence condition. Its diagnosis and treatment is shared between urologists and Primary Care physicians. Its management uses up a significant amount of resources. The Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (SEMERGEN), the Spanish Society of General Practitioners and Family Doctors (SEMG), the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (semFYC), and the Spanish Association of Urology (AEU) have prepared a document on the management and monitoring of BPH, in which the aim is to incorporate the latest evidence in order to update the previously published guidelines, and present them here in condensed form. The main objective of these new recommendations is to raise the awareness of Primary Care physicians and assist them in its diagnostic evaluation, treatment and monitoring, as well as providing unified consensus criteria for referral to the secondary care level.