Evolución de la mortalidad por accidentes de transporte en Navarra durante 1999-2013. Características de las personas y vehículos involucrados

  1. Fernández-Pacheco, P.A. de la Rosa 1
  2. Delfrade Osinaga, J. 2
  3. Floristán Floristán, Y. 2
  4. Teijeira Alvarez, R. 3
  5. Moreno-Iribas, C. 4
  1. 1 Complejo Hospitalariode Navarra
  2. 2 Instituto de Salud Pública y Laboral de Navarra, Pamplona, España CIBERESP de Epidemiología y Salud Pública
  3. 3 Instituto Navarro de Medicina Legal, Pamplona, España
  4. 4 Instituto de Salud Pública y Laboral de Navarra, Pamplona, España Red de Investigación en Servicios Sanitarios en Enfermedades Crónicas (REDISSEC), Pamplona, España
Anales del sistema sanitario de Navarra

ISSN: 1137-6627

Argitalpen urtea: 2016

Alea: 39

Zenbakia: 3

Orrialdeak: 389-397

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Anales del sistema sanitario de Navarra


Objective. To analyze transport accident mortality trends in Navarra, a region in the North of Spain, between 1999 and 2013 and assess the effect of the Demerit Point System. Methods. Cause of death coding was done according to ICD-10 with information from the medical death certificate and forensic reports. Mortality rates by age, sex, type of victim and residence (urban/rural) were calculated. We performed an ARIMA Box and Jenkins analysis to estimate the effect on mortality rates due to transport accidents of the Demerit Point System, which had been introduced in Spain in July 2006.Results. From January 1st 1999 to December 31st 2013, 1,052 deaths were registered, 1,044 of which were from accidents involving ground transport vehicles (1,020 from road traffic accidents and 24 from non-road traffic accidents). Mortality rates were higher in men and people aged 18-24 and 65-84. Most of the deaths amongst younger men and adults occurred in drivers, while fatalities occurring in those older than 84 years were mostly in pedestrians. Men and women living in rural areas had a mortality risk from transport accident 33% and 21% higher than people living in urban areas. Since the introduction of the Demerit Point System, mortality rates have fallen by 51%.Conclusions. Mortality statistics for Navarra show the effectiveness of preventive strategies designed in Spain during recent years.