Virtud y reconocimientoG.W.F. Hegel sobre la amistad

  1. Clavero García, Sergio
Contrastes: revista internacional de filosofía

ISSN: 1136-4076 2659-921X

Year of publication: 2017

Issue Title: El legado de Grecia en la filosofía alemana

Volume: 22

Issue: 3

Type: Article

DOI: 10.24610/CONTRASTESCONTRASTES.V22I3.3763 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Contrastes: revista internacional de filosofía


In contrast to Aristotle, Hegel devotes to friendship only a few passages along his works. In those fragments, friendship is portrayed as a type of relationship based exclusively on the feeling and the will of the individual. As a consequence, it is excluded from the ethical sphere, since it lacks an institutional structure and depends wholly upon particular opinion. Nevertheless, Hegel acknowledges that friendship represents a genuine and valuable realization of freedom, insofar as it implies a mutual recognition that allows each subject to be-with-herself-in-another.

Bibliographic References

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