Ironías y silencios de la historiael canto XXIII de la "Argentina y conquista del Río de la Plata" de Martín del Barco Centenera
Universidad de Navarra
ISSN: 0007-4640
Argitalpen urtea: 2019
Zenbakien izenburua: La épica en el mundo hispánico (Siglo de Oro)
Alea: 121
Zenbakia: 1
Orrialdeak: 243-260
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Bulletin hispanique
This article analyses the canto XXIII in Martín del Barco Centenera’s poem « Argentina y conquista del Río de la Plata » (1602). The hybrid character of the poem, at the same time epic and historiographical chronicle, allows us propose a double reading of the accounted episode : the third Council of Lima (1582-1583). If the text beforehand ironically undelines the importance of the Council, it does not later devote much attention to its decrees, even casting doubt over its future validity.