La necesidad de las operaciones encubiertas como arma jurídica contra la corrupción (inter)nacional.

  1. Cocchini, Andrea 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Navarra

    Universidad de Navarra

    Pamplona, España


Anales de derecho

ISSN: 0210-539X

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 37

Type: Article


More publications in: Anales de derecho


In our globalised international community public corruption is a serious plague that threatens States’ well - being. The UN Palermo and Merida’s conventions provide for the use of “special investigative techniques”, in particular for the employment of the undercover operations, in order to combat c orruption related crimes. Thus, the main purpose of this article is to demonstrate the importance for States Party to employ those t echniques to effectively fight corruption. In order to do so, Spanish regulation on the undercover agent is studied in depth , as it is considered to be the main obstacle that prevent Spain to successfully counter corruption issues . Therefore, it is argued countries that have not yet accepted in their legislation the possibility to resort to undercover operations against corrupt ion should follow the British example. In the United Kingdom, the lack of cases of public corruption is also due to the approval of some legal instruments allowing covert operations to investigate corruption related offenses. Hence, it is assumed that a stronger commitment by all States Party to the Palermo and M érida c onventions to benefit from the tool of undercov er operations could concretely contribute to fight against (inter)national corruption.

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