Incumplir por negociar con la cosa debidael commodum ex negotiatione en el artículo 1186 CC

  1. Xabier Basozabal Arrue 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Navarra

    Universidad de Navarra

    Pamplona, España


Anuario de derecho civil

ISSN: 0210-301X

Any de publicació: 2020

Volum: 73

Número: 4

Pàgines: 1501-1542

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Anuario de derecho civil


This study explores the possibility of an interpretation of Article 1186 CC in a way that would allow the creditor to claim back the proceedings that the debtor obtained by selling the thing that the latter owed to the former. When the debtor himself has made performance of the contract impossible by selling the thing to a second buyer, it seems clear that the first buyer may claim compensation for damages caused by the breach. But also, this second price obtained by the debtor negotiation «represents» the owed thing in the debtor’s patrimony and, therefore, the question is whether the first buyer could demand that second price from the debtor, in exchange of the price applicable to the first sale. Since Díez-Picazo expressed his position on the matter more than ten years ago, a debate has been held in our literature, but it is still unclear what can be expected from a solution like this, what function is called to fulfill such an obligation, etc. In this context, this study seeks to answer the question of whether there is an obligation to surrender the commodum ex negotiatione and, if this is the case, to which creditors should be recognized such an obligation and to what extent.

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