Estética y ascéticael espíritu y las virtudes
Universidad de Navarra
ISSN: 2340-4256
Année de publication: 2022
Número: 17
Pages: 373-402
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Cauriensia: revista anual de Ciencias Eclesiásticas
In the 4th century, a spiritual practice developed among the Desert Fathers, based on ascetism as a way of encountering God. The Christians who leave the big cities formed a series of communities that are adopting a retired way of life and seeks to establish a direct relationship with the divinity, thanks to a delicate task that combines, on the one hand, the search in the interiority of harmony with God, and, on the other, an inhabiting creation from the perspective of being a creature out of the hands of God. In solitude, silence and stillness a process of illumination will take place and reveals a whole series of original ethical an aesthetics profiles that human beings dream of reaching the fullness of a good life, or a life that aspires become a reflection of justice, peace and love of God.
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