Categorías de confianza para los informativos televisivos e indicadores para su mediciónPercepciones de grupos de interés en Alemania, España e Italia
- Medina, Mercedes
- Etayo Pérez, Cristina
- Serrano-Puche, Javier
ISSN: 1989-872X
Year of publication: 2023
Volume: 14
Issue: 1
Pages: 307-324
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación: Mediterranean Journal of Communication
In an age marked by a plethora of disinformation, adherence by the media to professional standards is one of the most important ways of restoring public trust in the news. This article seeks to critically evaluate the method used to develop a Seal of Quality to distinguish the media by the trust they generate in their audiences. The methodology used is as follows: firstly, an exhaustive literature review was carried out to identify the dimensions and indicators that lead to a television news programme being perceived as being of quality. Next, the Delphi method was applied to evaluate perceptions around the categories and indicators of the proposed model. In addition, more than 200 experts from the industry and the academic world in Spain, Italy and Germany, belonging to different stakeholders, were consulted (academics, advertisers, audience representatives, regulators, journalists, NGOs and media executives). Among the results, from the three major categories associated with the quality of information products (related to the media company, the professionals and the content production), the interviewees considered the existence of adequate procedures for preparing information content and professionals having the necessary resources to be the most important. Consequently, although there are some differences in perceptions of news quality among stakeholders and according to nationality, the need for external accreditation that recognises appropriate journalistic work and ensures that the news product meets the quality standards of accurate professional practice remains a requirement for media in the service of a democratic society.
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