La oportunidad moderna: del miedo a la esperanzaLa crisis de la modernidad según Leonardo Polo [Trabajo de investigación]

  1. Alberto I. Vargas 1
  2. Juan fernadno sellés dauder dir. 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Navarra

    Universidad de Navarra

    Pamplona, España


Miscelánea poliana: Serie Filosofía

ISSN: 1699-2849

Year of publication: 2011

Issue Title: Tesis de master en gobierno y cultura de las organizaciones, Universidad de Navarra 2010

Issue: 31

Type: Article

More publications in: Miscelánea poliana: Serie Filosofía


There seems to be a grave crisis of intimacy and personal realization in the world today. Man appears crushed interiorly by fear, as a result in a loss of personal direction generally discernible globally. The crises have its cause in the personal interior separation between man and God resulting in a spiritual sadness connected to “modernity”. Its origin is in the deliberate fear of Aristotle´s metaphysics found in Duns Scotus and William of Ockham. A theo-anthropological pessimism impedes man from thinking that he can reach God, or know God: that is an error, which has, as a consequence, the over reliance on empirical evidence and seeking worldly success, away from God. In Hegel this crisis worsens, provoking a deeper mistrust, desperation and false optimism of the future. All these occur in the modern complex environment. Understanding modernity from the perspective of personal intimacy allow us to invent intimate alternatives to transform the crisis in a growth opportunity; if we conquer fear and open our personal intimacy to God, we will be able to use the available resources of family and civil society to overcome this situation.