Los objetos de Antoni Tàpies y el neodadaísmo (1960-1975)
ISSN: 1131-5598
Ano de publicación: 2021
Volume: 33
Número: 3
Páxinas: 881-897
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Arte, individuo y sociedad
Tàpies began to work with objects since the beginning of his artistic career, but from the 1960s onwards he gave a great boost to his three-dimensional work. Among the reasons for this shift was undoubtedly the impact of the neo-Dadaist currents he encountered at that time in the United States. From that moment on, Tàpies turned to the manipulation of everyday objects marked by use, opened up to conceptual art by exploring the objectual aspect of the canvas, and gave his works a greater social dimension. However, the importance given during those years to the material aspect of his walls, his classification as “informalist” and other critical vicisisitudes, led to the fact that this dimension of his work was not given the value it deserves. In this article a re-reading of this whole process is made, showing the need to recover Tàpies’ insertion in the international scene of the time
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