Hacia una antropología adecuada para evaluar el progreso científico y humano

  1. Rubén Herce
Estudios filosóficos
  1. Pérez Marcos, Moisés (coord.)

ISSN: 0210-6086

Ano de publicación: 2023

Título do exemplar: Ciencia y religión

Volume: 72

Número: 209

Páxinas: 199-215

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Estudios filosóficos


This paper focuses on the idea of progress. An idea that was initially formulated with the emergence of Christian-ity and then secularized with Modernity, presenting an ideal with purely human means and ends. But this conception was soon subject to criticism, of which this article points out three:the emergence of new scientific theories, the social critique of the Frankfurt School and Heidegger’s study of technology. These criticisms point out that, in order to speak of progress, an an-thropological reference is needed, because progress has ethical connotations and demands to know what the proper ends of the human being are. An adequate anthropology can be one that har-monizes the aims of the spiritual human dimension (autonomy, freedom, rationality) with those of the other human dimensions: the eco-biological-bodily, the social-relational and the nar-rative-biographical. Therefore, authentic progress can only be evaluated from the end of human life