La ironía verbalcaracterización pragmática a partir de un corpus oral en español

Supervised by:
  1. Fernández García Francisco Director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 30 November 2021

  1. Catalina Fuentes Rodríguez Chair
  2. Ramón González Ruiz Secretary
  3. Ana Pano Alamán Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 733253 DIALNET


The aim of this research is to elaborate a clear and absolute characterisation of verbal irony through the analysis of an oral corpus of ironic occurrences in Spanish. In order to achieve this, firstly, we have carried out a critical review of the literature, aimed at identifying the shortcomings as well as the possible strengths of the preceding theories; secondly, we have confronted the potentially valid theoretical bases with the corpus samples in order to confirm their effectiveness; and, thirdly, we have isolated characteristic patterns in the real instances by conducting a more in-depth examination of them. Thus, we have shown that contextual inappropriateness is the property that enables the recognition of irony, the ironic sense emerges as an implicature or as an indirect speech act depending on whether it affects the propositional or the illocutionary level, and the general functions of irony are to appraise an object and to enhance the implied content.