Gobernanza algorítmica en la opinión pública: un estudio metodológico sobre la percepción de los refugiados
- Carlos Lancho Bances
- Ana Azurmendi
ISSN: 1989-8681
Año de publicación: 2023
Número: 14
Páginas: 449-469
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Miguel Hernández Communication Journal
At present, we cannot talk about public opinion without paying special attention to the influence exerted by algorithms, through digital platforms, in the creation of collective imaginaries. In this sense, re-cent research refers to the concept of al-gorithmic governance to explain the role of artificial intelligence in the organiza-tion of social activity and the perception of reality. In this context, it is important to remember that, behind the design and programming of algorithms, there is a commercial infrastructure that pursues specific economic purposes, so the neu-trality of these tools must be debated. This article aims to present this new sce-nario and introduce a methodology that serves to analyze the way in which algori-thmic tools can generate a climate of dis-crimination against historically marginalized populations, such as refugees in the European scenario (and especially in Spain
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