Promotion des causes de canonisation en afrique. Réflexion autour de l'Exhortation apostolique africae munus n. 114"

  1. Amougou Zang, Protais Charlie
Dirigée par:
  1. José Antonio Fuentes Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 07 juin 2021

  1. Antonio Viana Tomé President
  2. Jorge Castro Trapote Secrétaire
  3. Diego Zalbidea González Rapporteur
  4. Elisa M. Rodrigues de Araujo Rapporteur
  5. Eloy Tejero Tejero Rapporteur

Type: Thèses

Teseo: 157851 DIALNET


In the Apostolic Exhortation Africae munus, Pope Benedict XVI strongly encouraged the Pastors of the local Churches of the continent, to «recognize among servants of the Góspel in Africa those who could be canonized according to the norms of the Church, not only in order to increase the number of African saints, but also to obtain new intercessors in heaven to accompany the Church on her pilgrim journey and to plead before God for the African continent». The relevance of this suggestion has inspired us to investigate on the promotion of the causes of canonization in Africa. Indeed, the absence of the officially recognized African saints, thats to say, those beatified and above all canonized, is something striking, more so, if one is to have in mind the number of beatifications and canonizations celebrated in the church throughout the year. A situation that exposes a great contrast between the universal call to holiness proclaimed by the Vatican Council II, and the explicit exhortations to promote the causes of canonization of the lay faithful, the consecrated persons and the clergy. On top of the manifest interest of the conciliar and above all the post-conciliar magisterium to promote the new causes of canonization in the whole Church, there are some other specific Apostolic Exhortations directed particularly to promote the causes of canonization in Africa. Some African prelates whom we have consulted do support the relevance of the topic, they have made proposals to materialize an efficient realization of this important ecclesiastical Project, without leaving aside the possible objective difficulties that may be necessary to have in mind. Keywords: canonization, saint, Africa.