Una historia sin fin: narrativa infantil y valores. 300 obras de 6 a 10 años

  1. Lecaros-Monge, María Luisa
Dirixida por:
  1. Rosalía Baena Molina Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 26 de setembro de 2023

  1. (FFL) Filología

Tipo: Tese


This research examines the theoretical relationship between children’s narrative and values. Its objective is to determine how the narrative aimed at first readers, from 6 to 10 years old, promotes values, including stories and novels. Through a communicative approach to literature, the transmission of values is demonstrated as a “mysterious” and complex form of communication, in which an author offers an implicit reader certain textual and paratextual narrative strategies. These mechanisms impact the reader in an aesthetic, emotional or more directly ethical way, favoring their empathy and awareness toward a value presented as a good. The thesis is structured in three chapters: the first presents a theoretical framework that supports the ability of children’s narrative to evoke values; the second chapter offers and analysis model that studies the values of a children’s reading from a study close to the text and the form itself, and applies it to five narratives; finally, the third proposes a corpus made up of 300 works, exemplifying 25 recurring values in children’s narrative. In short, the study resumes the discussion initiated by the classics about the «educate by delighting» literature, from the perspective of children’s literature.