Estudio histórico-teológico sobre la recepción sacramental de la eucaristía. Las disposiciones para comulgar debidamente

  1. Paulo De Souza, Marcio
  1. Pablo Blanco Sarto Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 2021(e)ko ekaina-(a)k 21

  1. Ramiro Pellitero Presidentea
  2. Manuel Mira Iborra Idazkaria
  3. José María Pardo Sáenz Kidea
  4. José Manuel Fidalgo Alaiz Kidea
  5. Félix María Arocena Solano Kidea
  1. (FT) Teología Sistemática

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 157847 DIALNET


The present dissertation develops a historical-theological study of the various doctrinal and pastoral aspects of the sacramental reception of the Holy Eucharist, taking into account the due provisions and conditions established by the Church by which, drivenby the Holy Spirit, we prepare ourselves conveniently to receive this holy sacrament. The historical-theological study has as fundamental axes: the testimonies of the Scripture, the Patristic, the interventions of the Magisterium of the Church and the contributions of some theologians such as Pedro Lombardo, St. Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scot, who present a balanced approach between the conditions and the frequency of the sacramental Eucharistic reception, which is one of the crucial elements of this research. These elements are embodied in the three chapters that structure the thesis. The first chapter is dedicated to the apostolic and patristic epoch. The second one covers the Middle Ages and the Modernity. The last chapter deals with the sacramental Eucharistic reception in present times. The journey on these historical stages shows that the problem of frequent communion, one of the most relevant aspects of the history of the reception of the Eucharistic sacrament, is resolved to the extent that there is a harmonious and balanced relationship between the frequency of the reception of holy communion and the provisions necessary to receive it in a dignified and fruitful way. Hence the importance of this harmonious relationship being part of the catechesis, preaching and preparation of each communicant. Keywords: Eucharist, dispositions and frequent communion.