El hombre que luchó con Dios. Recepción cristiana en gn 32,23-33 hasta el s.IV

Supervised by:
  1. Francisco Varo Pineda Director

Defence university: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 24 February 2023

  1. Vicente Balaguer Beltrán Chair
  2. Manuel Mira Iborra Secretary
  3. Diego Pérez Gondar Committee member
  4. Fernando Milán Fitera Committee member
  5. Juan Alonso García Committee member
  1. (FT) Estudios Bíblicos e Historia de la Iglesia

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 799997 DIALNET


Title: The man who fought with God, christian reception of Gn 32,23:33 until the 4th century The purpose of the present research is the study of the interpretations given by the Fathers of the Church of the first four centuries to the passage of Jacob's struggle (Gen 32:23-30). It has been found that, facing the questions that the biblical text itself leaves open (against whom he fights, who wins, what does the name imposed on him mean, etc.), different answers are offered which, in turn, have an impact on theological questions of special relevance in the time of each author. The set of issues raised in these commentaries are quite broad: the unity of the Old and New Testaments, the possibility of the Incarnation and the pre-existence of the Word, the defense of the unity of the Father and the Son against the Arian heresy, the need for struggle in the Christian life, the points of contact and the differences between the Jewish and the Christian people, the concept of chosen people which is extended to the gentiles of all nations, and several other topics of interest.