Study of stochastic and machine learning tecniques for anomaly-based Web atack detection

  1. Torrano Giménez, Carmen
  1. Javier Carbó Rubiera Zuzendaria
  2. Gonzalo Álvarez Marañón Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 2015(e)ko iraila-(a)k 11

  1. Luis Hernández Encinas Presidentea
  2. Juan Manuel Estévez Tapiador Idazkaria
  3. Georg Carle Kidea

Mota: Tesia


Web applications are exposed to different threats and it is necessary to protect them. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) are a solution external to the web application that do not require the modification of the application’s code in order to protect it. These systems are located in the network, monitoring events and searching for signs of anomalies or threats that can compromise the security of the information systems. IDSs have been applied to traffic analysis of different protocols, such as TCP, FTP or HTTP. Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) are special cases of IDSs that are specialized in analyzing HTTP traffic with the aim of safeguarding web applications. The increase in the amount of data traveling through the Internet and the growing sophistication of the attacks, make necessary protection mechanisms that are both effective and efficient. This thesis proposes three anomaly-based WAFs with the characteristics of being high-speed, reaching high detection results and having a simple design. The anomaly-based approach defines the normal behavior of web application. Actions that deviate from it are considered anomalous. The proposed WAFs work at the application layer analyzing the payload of HTTP requests. These systems are designed with different detection algorithms in order to compare their results and performance. Two of the systems proposed are based on stochastic techniques: one of them is based on statistical techniques and the other one in Markov chains. The third WAF presented in this thesis is ML-based. Machine Learning (ML) deals with constructing computer programs that automatically learn with experience and can be very helpful in dealing with big amounts of data. Concretely, this third WAF is based on decision trees given their proved effectiveness in intrusion detection. In particular, four algorithms are employed: C4.5, CART, Random Tree and Random Forest. Typically, two phases are distinguished in IDSs: preprocessing and processing. In the case of stochastic systems, preprocessing includes feature extraction. The processing phase consists in training the system in order to learn the normal behavior and later testing how well it classifies the incoming requests as either normal or anomalous. The detection models of the systems are implemented either with statistical techniques or with Markov chains, depending on the system considered. For the system based on decision trees, the preprocessing phase comprises feature extraction as well as feature selection. These two phases are optimized. On the one hand, new feature extraction methods are proposed. They combine features extracted by means of expert knowledge and n-grams, and have the capacity of improving the detection results of both techniques separately. For feature selection, the Generic Feature Selection GeFS measure has been used, which has been proven to be very effective in reducing the number of redundant and irrelevant features. Additionally, for the three systems, a study for establishing the minimum number of requests required to train them in order to achieve a certain detection result has been performed. Reducing the number of training requests can greatly help in the optimization of the resource consumption of WAFs as well as on the data gathering process. Besides designing and implementing the systems, evaluating them is an essential step. For that purpose, a dataset is necessary. Unfortunately, finding labeled and adequate datasets is not an easy task. In fact, the study of the most popular datasets in the intrusion detection field reveals that most of them do not satisfy the requirements for evaluating WAFs. In order to tackle this situation, this thesis proposes the new CSIC dataset, that satisfies the necessary conditions to satisfactorily evaluate WAFs. The proposed systems have been experimentally evaluated. For that, the proposed CSIC dataset and the existing ECML/PKDD dataset have been used. The three presented systems have been compared in terms of their detection results, processing time and number of training requests used. For this comparison, the CSIC dataset has been used. In summary, this thesis proposes three WAFs based on stochastic and ML techniques. Additionally, the systems are compared, what allows to determine which system is the most appropriate for each scenario.