List of Potential Aquatic Alien Species of the Iberian Peninsula (2020). Updated list of the potential aquatic alien species with high risk of invasion in Iberian inland waters.

  1. Oliva-Paterna, Francisco José
  2. Ribeiro, F.
  3. Miranda, R. 2
  4. Anastácio, Pedro M.
  5. García-Murillo, Pablo
  6. Cobo, F.
  7. Gallardo, B.
  8. García-Berthou, E.
  9. Boix, D.
  10. Medina, L.
  11. Morcillo Alonso, Felipe 1
  12. Oscoz, J. 2
  13. Guillén, A.
  14. Aguiar, F.
  15. Almeida, D.
  16. Arias, A.
  17. Ayres, C.
  18. Banha, Filipe
  19. Barca, S.
  20. Biurrun, I.
  21. Cabezas, M. P.
  22. Calero, S.
  23. Campos, J. A.
  24. Capdevila-Argüelles, L.
  25. Capinha, C.
  26. Carpeto, A.
  27. Casals, F.
  28. Chainho, P.
  29. Cirujano, S.
  30. Clavero, M.
  31. Cuesta, J. A.
  32. Del Toro, V.
  33. Encarnação, J. P.
  34. Fernández-Delgado, C.
  35. Franco, J.
  36. García-Meseguer, A. J.
  37. Guareschi, S.
  38. Guerrero, A.
  39. Hermoso, V.
  40. Machordom, A.
  41. Martelo, J.
  42. Mellado-Díaz, A.
  43. Moreno, J. C.
  44. Oficialdegui, F. J.
  45. Olivo del Amo, R.
  46. Otero, J. C.
  47. Perdices, A.
  48. Pou-Rovira, Q.
  49. Rodríguez-Merino, A.
  50. Ros, M.
  51. Sánchez-Gullón, E.
  52. Torralva, M.
  53. Vieira-Lanero, R.
  54. Zamora-López, A.
  55. Zamora-Marín, J. M.
  56. Carapeto, A.
  57. Casals, F.
  58. Casals, F.
  59. Casals, F.
  60. Casals, F.
  61. García Meseguer, Antonio José
  62. Mostra tots els autors/es +
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

  2. 2 Universidad de Navarra

    Universidad de Navarra

    Pamplona, España



ISBN: 978-84-123500-4-3

Any de publicació: 2021

Tipus: Llibre


An updated list is presented of the alien species in the transport or introduction invasion stage ininland waters of the Iberian Peninsula. The list is based on a systematic assessment of information incollaboration with a wide expert team from Spain and Portugal. This list is an important tool to supportthe implementation of the IAS Regulation, particularly in prevention measures and in the developmentof an Early Warning and Rapid Response (EWRR) system. Ultimately, the information included can helpto the achievement of the target of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2030 for combatting IAS, but alsofor the implementation of other EU policies with requirements on alien species, such as the Birds andHabitats Directives, the Marine Strategy and Water Framework Directives.