Consciencia metafórica y narración digital (digital storytelling) en español /L2

  1. Peña Pascual, Iranzu
Supervised by:
  1. Eduardo Negueruela Azarola Director

Defence university: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 20 December 2023

  1. Yamile Enith Silva Gualteros Chair
  2. Silvia Aguinaga Echeverría Secretary
  3. Carmen Llamas Saiz Committee member
  4. Alberto Bruzos Moro Committee member
  5. Ana López Sánchez Committee member

Type: Thesis


The present thesis has a twofold objective: to document (1) the development of creative metaphorical awareness and (2) the implementation of a creative writing course focused on digital storytelling (Lambert, 2018) to foster L2 Spanish learning. To carry out this task, an intervention is designed and implemented based on the cognitive approach of Conceptual Metaphor Theory (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980) and an ecological view of learning and research (van Lier, 2004). The didactic proposal, inspired by Concept Based Instruction (Negueruela, 2003) and Multiliteracies pedagogy (Cope & Kalantzis, 2015), combines conceptual representation activities with the observation of metaphorical expression in different texts and genres, as well as in the linguistic landscape. The immersive environment is also leveraged for students to devise personal metaphorical connections and express them in a multimodal digital storytelling project. From all the participants and data collected, this research selects two prototypical case studies and longitudinally and qualitatively analyzes their questionnaires, journals, digital stories, and interviews. Three types of conceptual data regarding definitions, representations and metaphorical expression in the productions are triangulated. To such triangulation is added the crossanalysis of the two case studies and the participants' review of the outcomes. The results of both students show a broadening of the concept of metaphor and greater agency in the use of creative metaphorical expression in Spanish/L2.