Inestabilidad militar tras el 23-Fel Manifiesto de los Cien
- Pérez López, Pablo 1
- Sánchez Tapia, Salvador 1
Universidad de Navarra
ISSN: 0213-5868, 2386-4850
Year of publication: 2023
Year: 38
Issue: 113
Pages: 135-168
Type: Article
More publications in: Aportes: Revista de historia contemporánea
The paper reviews the preparation and dissemination of the manifest that a group of professional soldiers released to the press in December 1981 to make known their malaise for the treatment the military institution received from the media. The work draws on the archives of main national newspapers, memoirs of political leaders, interviews with some of the individuals involved in the incident, documents in the Calvo-Sotelo archives, and other secondary sources. The article analyzes the climate of civilian preoccupation with the possibility of another coup Spain lived in the aftermath the 23-F coup; it describes the process of drafting of the text and the plan to disseminate it, as well as the reactions its publication generated; and concludes that the manifest was not really a new attempt to replace civilian with military rule, but rather one at illicitly exerting pressure on both the media and the political leadership, made possible by the immature democratic system Spain had in 1981
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