Percepción económica y polarización política en tiempos de crisis

  1. Jordi Rodríguez-Virgili
  2. Alfonso Vara-Miguel
  3. Aurken Sierra
Más poder local

ISSN: 2172-0223

Year of publication: 2024

Issue Title: La comunicación política frente a las crisis económicas

Issue: 55

Pages: 70-90

Type: Article

More publications in: Más poder local


Polarization has become one of today’s leading political phenomena. Several empirical studies show that the increase in polarization is a common phenomenon after a financial crisis. In this article, we will delve into the relationship between political polarization and the perception of the family and general economic situation in Spain. The results show that, when evaluating close questions, such as the perception of the family economic situation, citizens give opinions linked to their level of income -an economic variable. However, in abstract questions such as the evaluation of the general economic situation in Spain, the ideological orientation of citizens is the most influential variable. This alignment indicates that Spaniards assume an ideological approach rather than a purely economic one and, therefore, more susceptible to the polarizing influence of elite discourse and journalistic coverage.