Investigating university students' self-perception of their influence on the SDGs

  1. Lara Ferrando 1
  2. Ismael Cabero 1
  3. Aleix Alcacer 1
  4. Atanasia Lloria 1
  5. Marina Martínez-García 1
  6. Belén Martínez-Serrano 1
  7. Adrián Pérez-Suay 2
  8. Irene Epifanio 1
  1. 1 Jaume I University, Spain.
  2. 2 University of Valencia, Spain.
Campus Virtuales

ISSN: 2255-1514

Année de publication: 2024

Volumen: 13

Número: 1

Pages: 107-115

Type: Article

DOI: 10.54988/CV.2024.1.1362 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

D'autres publications dans: Campus Virtuales


Education is essential in achieving many Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We have surveyed the students of 17 university degrees on the SDGs in two Spanish universities, to better adjust to their concerns, preferences and needs and to discover their omissions and shortfalls. Students expressed their opinions from two perspectives: that of citizenship and that of the degree they are studying, identifying the goals to which they feel they can contribute. Results show a very high self-perception in their ability to contribute to the SDGs, with significant differences depending on the degree. The goals that students consider themselves most able to influence are gender equality, good health, peace, justice, and quality education. Many of them coincide with degrees related to the SDGs themselves, but others do not. The degrees in the ICT field have the lowest self-perceived knowledge about SDGs.

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