"Fecisti homicidium?" La singular versión de cánones penitenciales en las colecciones en 9 Libros y en 10 Partes

  1. Sedano Rueda, Joaquín
Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law. Paris, 17-23 July 2016

Editorial: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

ISBN: 978-88-210-1095-8

Año de publicación: 2022

Páginas: 1005 - 1025

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


The Collection in 10 Parts includes, in its last book dealing with penance, a highly interesting penitential textthat begins with the following inquiry: Fecisti homicidium voluntarie et non necessitate? This long text - six foliosin ms. Firenze - is also found in Burchard of Worm¿s Corrector, one of the main sources of 10 Parts. However,the composition here is clearly different from that of Burchard and finds its formal source in the Collection in9 Books. This paper will focus on the textual tradition of this text and its internal characteristics. It will put inevidence the remarkable fact that such an archaic penitential text was rearranged (in the Collection in 9 Books)in the twelfth century and not simply copied from Burchard's Corrector.